Born in 1961 in Xinjiang Province, Qin Feng is an iconoclastic artist who is actively involved in China’s avant-garde art movement. He studied mural painting at the Shandong University of Art and Design in the early 1980s.
His artistic career expresses a combination of the Western modernism and ancient Chinese calligraphy that gives birth to abstract compositions. Qin Feng uses traditional calligraphy tools such as the brush, typical of the abstract expressionism.
His masterpieces get inspiration from Aldo Manuzio, inventor of the role of editor in a modern vision.
The abstract compositions by calligrapher Qin Feng, a leading figure of the Chinese avant-garde, testify to the fusion between Western modernism and the tradition of Chinese calligraphy.
The iconoclastic artist uses traditional calligraphy materials on Alcantara, which was chosen for its versatility and for the company’s strong commitment to sustainability; the material gives his paintings a unique, special effect. His works draw inspiration from Aldus Manutius the Elder, who lived in the 16th century; he invented the role of the publisher in the modern sense of the word and promoted advances in printing that have not been excelled to the present day.
Calligrapher Qin Feng’s canvases aim at deepening and exploring the human being in his inner torment. The artist observes the distance between the globalized world as opposed to the human inner world, between the daily frenzy and the landscape of the soul by using brushstrokes on Alcantara sometimes tormented, others more gentle, to investigate what lies under the surface of everyday life. On the canvases Qin Feng recreates visions of all our deepest wishes.
The installation has been exhibited at Palazzo D’Accursio in Bologna on the occasion of the G7 Environment 2017 where Alcantara inaugurated the exhibition “Alcantara Sustainability Renaissance”.

In his installation, recalling an ancient peristyle, the artist becomes one with the sign: depth and surface coincide. His painting unleashes a primordial energy.
The installation has been exhibited at Royal Palace in Milan where Alcantara inaugurated the exhibition “Out of the Blue, A Calligraphy Journey through Alcantara”.