Following the success registered by last two year’s editions, titled respectively “Sustainability and automotive value chain” and “The automotive ecosystem on the global road to sustainability, the Asian perspective”, the company is yet the organizer and promoter of 2016 International Symposium on Sustainability, in partnership with Nikkei, the VIU (Venice International University) and the Waseda University, with the support of The society of global Business.

Is there any value in “sustainability” for corporations?
Is it realistic to consider sustainability as a competitive advantage and not just a cost or an obligation?
Can profits, long-term investments and sustainable behaviors co-exist?
How do we combine stakeholders’ interests and shareholders’ goals?
The above and other related topics have been addressed during the “Sustainability and Corporate Value International Symposium“. During an intensive one-day workshop, top-level international speakers coming from prestigious companies and academies discussed the subject from different angles.